We serve a variety of clients at Caregivers In Home Services, so we encounter mental illness regularly. Less than 3% of adults are diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and about 80% of these cases are considered severe. Bipolar patients seeing a counselor are most likely learning tools to learn how to cope with their diagnosis, one of those tools is called "WDEP."
WDEP is a reality therapy strategy that basically asks the questions: what do you want, what are you doing, is what your doing getting you what you want, and what is your plan moving forward?
W- What do you want?
D- What are you doing?
E- Let's evaluate: is what your doing getting you what you want?
P- What is your plan?
While this strategy is used in clients with Bipolar Disorder, we can all benefit from asking ourselves this from time to time, because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and getting the same result.
You can use WDEP in relational situations, the workplace, school, anywhere you want to see change happening!
Here at Caregiver In Home Services we are always learning and growing to try and educate ourselves so we can in turn serve the community to our fullest potential.